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Inspecting the condition of a stamping press can range in complexity from a visual inspection while in operation, to careful examination of all parts when the machine is disassembled. A person experienced in determining press condition can tell a great deal about the condition of the machine by noting any irregular operation when in use.
Inspection and record keeping requirements vary. In the United States, current OSHA law requires the employer to establish and follow a program of regular periodic inspections of the press. This is done to insure that the machine together with auxiliary equipment and safeguards are in safe condition and properly adjusted.
A maintenance file must be kept for each press. The file includes a record of all inspection reports and maintenance performed. A backlog of open maintenance items must not be allowed to develop. Safety related items must be corrected at once.
Performing press inspections as part of the preventive maintenance program allows orderly scheduling of repairs and permits the correction of problems before they result in downtime or endanger personnel. Formal press inspections must be made at regular intervals based on the manufacturer's recommendations.
In addition, a routine inspection must be made at the start of each shift when operators are changed and whenever dies are changed. Checking the engaging means for proper functioning and proper safeguarding of the point of operation is of paramount importance
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